Bill Law Memorial Student Award
The Award is a legacy and tribute to the work of Dr Bill Law, Founding Fellow of NICEC, who died in April 2017. His work was recognised internationally and was significant in its impact on the way that career development is conceptualised and practised. The Award will celebrate emerging innovation within the career development sector and importantly, the relationship between research, theory and practice.
This is an annual award for a student who is on or has recently completed an academic course related to career development.
Why apply?
The winner of the award will will be announced at a special NICEC seminar and will receive a £50 book token, free attendance at NICEC seminars and network meetings for a year, and public recognition via the NICEC website. The winner will be supported to publish in the NICEC Journal subject to editorial discretion.
The benefits Being shortlisted for this Award or winning it can have a positive impact on your career. It raises your research profile and can position you as a thought leader, researcher or thinker of note. Previous winners and shortlisted candidates have seen their careers develop, moving on to doctoral study and writing and publishing. This is also a great opportunity to make sure that your research and ideas reach a wider audience.
Find out more
You can find below links to past entries, invitations for future entries and hear about the experiences of past entrants.