NICEC is owned, led and run by its Fellows who are appointed on the basis of their ability to support NICEC to achieve its aims.
In legal terms, NICEC is a company and its Fellows are shareholders. Fellows meet at least six times a year to discuss the running of NICEC and share experiences and expertise. Fellows make an annual financial contribution to NICEC (currently £80 each). NICEC Members also pay annual membership fees.
Fellows should be able to provide evidence of the following.
- A significant impact in the field of career development evidenced by experience in any setting including education, the workplace, or the wider community. Relevant experience may include research, policy, consultancy, scholarship, service delivery, practice or management.
- A willingness to facilitate or stimulate constructive dialogue across domains of policy, practice, development and research.
- A commitment to continued learning in this field.
- An interest in joining NICEC and actively working to develop its activities.
A full role description is available below.
We anticipate appointing four new UK-based Fellows in 2025.
What we are looking for in 2025
We are interested in representing as many types of career development work as possible and having Fellows from diverse backgrounds and communities within the UK. We are keen to increase our representation from those working in UK devolved nations and combined authorities.
At present we would especially welcome applications from people who have expertise in the delivery and management of career development support within primary, secondary and further education, in public careers provision for adults, or career development provision within employers (particularly in the field of apprenticeships).
We would also welcome applications from individuals with experience in advocacy and policy work related to careers, skills and employment.
Please submit a CV and a cover letter explaining concisely:
- why you wish to become a NICEC Fellow,
- how you would contribute to NICEC's aims, and
- how your experience demonstrates the types of expertise we are looking for.
Applications should be sent to [email protected]
The deadline for applications is the 3 March 2025.
Interviews will be held on 23 April, 30 April or 8 May 2025.
Fellows Recruitment 2025 Q&A
We are holding an open Q&A event on 28 January 2025 (16.00–17.00).
Elnaz Kashef and Julia Yates, two current NICEC Fellows, will answer questions about what it is like to be a Fellow and what we will be looking for in our new Fellows.
Book your place on the Fellows Recruitment Q&A
In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to arrange to have a quick chat with someone on the appointments committee, please email [email protected]