Two of the editors of recently released Mapping the Future of Undergraduate Career Education (Routledge) will discuss the origins and key points of the book. Learn more about the practice of career guidance in American universities, and how it has evolved over the last few decades in response to shifts in education, work, and the economy. We will explore a few cutting-edge approaches to university career guidance, and answer audience questions.

Contributors to this event are Melanie Buford and Michael Stebleton from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Programme (Timings GMT)

5.00 Introduction and initial poll

5.10 Presentation by Melanie and Michael

  • Trends in US HE, careers education delivery services
  • Student debt, predictions, career longevity
  • Key themes

5.50 Break out rooms discussing comparative systems, approaches & implications

6.10 Report back

6.30 Conclusions and next steps

National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC) is registered in England and Wales under company number 06407049 at The Lodge, Willaston House, Cheerbrook Road, Willaston, Nantwich CW5 7EN. Please click 'About NICEC' page for details of how to contact us.
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