The purpose of this Cutting Edge event was to bridge the gap between career theory, practice and policy.

This online session was about stepping back and thinking about how and why you use career tools in your practice, where do they add most value and where might they distract? What are your go to career tools and techniques, and how might you refresh or enrich your approach? 

We asked participants to reflect on the following questions:

Why do you use tools in your practice ?
How do you choose which tools to work with ? 
And with whom?
How do you evaluate the impact of tools in your work ?

Programme details can be found on the CDI event webpage.

Below is a recording of the session.

National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC) is registered in England and Wales under company number 06407049 at The Lodge, Willaston House, Cheerbrook Road, Willaston, Nantwich CW5 7EN. Please click 'About NICEC' page for details of how to contact us.
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