Event recording in full
You can also directly access the contributions (click the speaker name) and Powerpoint slides from each speaker through the links below:
Stephen Isherwood [no slides used]
Careers in a post-Covid world
The immediate impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy in general and on specific sectors has been widely reported, but what medium to long-term effects can we anticipate for careers and employment? Will the nature of work and the expectations of employers be changed forever? What predictions for the future of work have been accelerated or impeded by the crisis? How will the career prospects of various groups of workers be affected and what can be done to support them? In this NICEC Network Meeting, we will bring together a panel of speakers to provide insights from their work that will help us to discuss these questions.
Tony Wilson, Institute for Employment Studies - The big picture: the impact of Covid-19 on long-term changes in the job market
Stephen Isherwood, Institute of Student Employers - Employer responses to Covid-19: changing demands and practices
Fiona Christie, NICEC Fellow & Manchester Metropolitan University - The impact of Covid-19 on young workers
Kim Chaplain, Centre for Ageing Better - The impact of Covid-19 on older workers
2.00 - 2.10 Welcome and introductions
2.10 - 3.30 Four contributor presentations, as outlined above
3.30 - 3.45 Question & answer session
3.45 - 4.15 Breakout group discussions: two 15 minute rounds in breakout rooms
4.15 - 4.30 Feedback and close