Recording of this event
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Presentation slides from speakers
Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze and John McCarthy
Since 2016, a group of NICEC Fellows has been working on a massive book project. Our inspiration came from a conference organised by NICEC in 2016. At this event, we challenged ourselves to ‘rethink career development for a globalised world’. The conference commemorated Rethinking Careers Education and Guidance (Watts, Law, Killeen, Kidd, & Hawthorn, 1996) which for many of us had long served as a touchstone.
Our work began as an attempt to update Rethinking and to build on the discussions that had taken place at the NICEC conference. But it quickly became something more, as we recognised the need to make the new book more international, more multi-disciplinary, and to recognise the multiple traditions and perspectives that characterise the field.
Now, we are delighted to announce the culmination of these collective efforts with the publication of the Oxford Handbook of Career Development. This represents a watershed moment for NICEC and potentially a new landmark for the field.
In lightning talk format, 10 of the authors will give you a taste of their work. This event will feature mini-presentations on the following topics:
2-2.15 Introduction - Peter J. Robertson
2.15-3.15 Session One - Chair: Tristram Hooley
Ronald G. Sultana (Malta) - Authentic Education for Meaningful Work: Beyond “Career Management Skills”
Peter McIlveen (Australia) - Career Assessment
Phil McCash (UK) - Cultural Learning Theory and Career Development
John Gough and Siobhan Neary (UK) - The Career Development Profession: Professionalisation, Professionalism, and Professional Identity
Kate Mackenzie Davey (UK) - Organizational Career Development Theory: Weaving Individuals, Organizations, and Social Structures
3.15-3.30 Break
3.30-4.30 Session Two - Chair: Tristram Hooley
Peter J. Robertson (UK) - The Aims of Career Development Policy: Towards a Comprehensive Framework
Julia Yates (UK) - Career Development Theory: An Integrated Analysis
Gideon Arulmani (India) - The Cultural Preparedness Perspective of Career Development
Anthony Barnes (UK) - Transformative Career Education in Schools and Colleges
Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze (Hungary) (co-author John McCarthy, France) - Career Guidance: Living on the Edge of Public Policy
4.30-5.00 Plenary Discussion and Final Points - Chair: Phil McCash
This NICEC network event offers an unrivalled opportunity to hear contributions from a wide range of UK-based and international speakers. We look forward to seeing you there.
NICEC is pleased to offer members and those interested in this event a discounted price for purchases of the Oxford Handbook of Career Development