Some of the positives of joining our 2024 Conference via the virtual option:

1. Easy Access: If you’ve used Hopin before, you know how seamless it is to navigate different sessions, participate in discussions, and connect with fellow delegates.

2. Front Row Seat: You’ll be able to ask questions, share insights, and be part of the conversation, while watching our speakers during plenary sessions.

3. Live Workshops: We’ve curated three dynamic workshops that promise to be both informative and thought-provoking:

Day 1 Workshop 1: Evolving Career Development Practice: Explore the concept of the third space professional and discover how careers work is reshaping higher education career practitioner roles.

Presenters: Liane Hambly (Senior Associate, dmh associates) and Associate Professor Deirdre Hughes OBE (University of Warwick IER & Director, dmh associates).

Day 1 Workshop 2: Decent Work in Career Learning: Dive into theoretical ideas and recent research on young people in precarious work, which highlight questions about developing critical consciousness in careers practice.
Presenters: Fiona Christie (Senior Lecturer, NICEC Fellow) and Eileen Cunningham (Senior Lecturer, Decent Work and Productivity Research Centre, Manchester Metropolitan University).

Day 2 Workshop 3: Environmentally Sustainable Career Guidance: Explore a new research-based framework for sustainable career guidance.
Presenters: Miriam Dimsits (Associate Professor, VIA University, Denmark) and Tristram Hooley (Professor of Career Education, Inland Norway University).

4. Sustainability World Café: Day 2 offers roundtable discussions where you can share your views and connect with other virtual delegates.

5. Networking Made Easy: Our conference networking feature lets you connect randomly with others for quick chats—just like those coffee line conversations or lunchtime interactions at physical events.

6. Virtual Delegate Support: Our team will be available throughout the event to assist with technical issues, platform familiarity, and connecting you with fellow attendees.

7. Missed a Session? No Problem: We’ll post recordings of each session so you can catch up later.

The NICEC Conference 2024 isn’t just an event; it’s a community of professionals shaping the future of career development and sustainability. Whether you choose a one-day or two-day ticket on the event booking page, you’re part of the conversation.

National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC) is registered in England and Wales under company number 06407049 at The Lodge, Willaston House, Cheerbrook Road, Willaston, Nantwich CW5 7EN. Please click 'About NICEC' page for details of how to contact us.
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