Career Development Theories in Practice - A new book from NICEC Fellow Dr Julia Yates
A vital new volume that demystifies Career theories and explains how to utilise them with clear examples and scenarios
The final months of 2024 saw the publication of another another valuable contribution to Careers Theory literature from NICEC Fellow, Dr Julia Yates. "Career Development Theories in Practice: Real World Applications of Career Development Models was released by Trotman Publishing.
As the Trotman site says:
Career development theories are plentiful, but most resources focus heavily on academic concepts, leaving many career professionals unsure of how to implement them effectively. Renowned expert Julia Yates offers another approach: real progress comes from applying these theories in small, practical ways to everyday professional scenarios.
In this comprehensive handbook, Yates demystifies over twenty essential career development theories. With clear explanations, she categorises these theories and pinpoints which ones are best suited for different clients and contexts. Delving into real-world applications, you'll find inspiring stories of successful practitioners and students who have transformed their practices.
Alongside the also recently released, "Career Development Handbook," it's fantastic to see two brilliant books that add so much the canon of work on Careers Theory, Policy and Practice originate from NICEC fellows. All at NICEC would like to congratulate Julia on the release of the book and wish her every success with it!