This Autumn we have an open call issue of the Journal, featuring topics on diverse issues of interest to the career development community.

Three articles focus on careers work in higher education settings. David Winter provides a framework for thinking about the learning outcomes of career and employability interventions in a university setting. This gives a tool for reflecting on the assumptions underpinning the work. Emma Lennox considers the career decision processes of undergraduates studying arts, English and languages. Maithili Pittea, Asra Saqib, Laura Oxley, and Helen Coulshed look at another aspect of innovative practice in a university setting: peer-to-peer career learning to promote social justice.

Social justice is also the central theme of Bo Klindt Poulsen’s contribution. This article argues for a less individualistic and collectivist conception of social justice for career guidance.

Helen Root reports the research that made her the 2023 winner of the Bill Law Memorial Student Award. She describes the career experiences of professional women experiencing cognitive symptoms during the menopause.

Saira Iqbal brings together two different concepts into an approach to understanding career change: protean career theory, and the hero’s journey narrative structure.

Sujin Kim provides a critical analysis of the development of certification for vocational counselling in South Korea, using the Australian system as a benchmark for comparison.

Laura Felby and Randi Skovhus unpick how teachers in secondary schools in Denmark make sense of their new role in career learning.

The NICEC journal publishes articles on the broad theme of career development in any context and Issue 51 (as well as past issues) can be found at the NICEC Journal Open Access site.

National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC) is registered in England and Wales under company number 06407049 at The Lodge, Willaston House, Cheerbrook Road, Willaston, Nantwich CW5 7EN. Please click 'About NICEC' page for details of how to contact us.
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