Policy Connect’s cross-party Skills Commission has presented its latest report Transition to Ambition: Navigating the careers maze. The report on England’s fragmented careers system argues that it needs a long-term strategy supported by an employer-led advisory board. It delivers a strong consensus that the careers information advice and guidance (CIAG) system in England needs to become a truly all-age national service, where all the constituent parts work together coherently and without gaps or unhelpful overlap, and provides nine recommendations to achieve this.

Following the economic and labour market instability caused by the pandemic, alongside the effects of Brexit and the fourth industrial revolution, it is crucial that England’s CIAG system works efficiently so that as many people as possible can be properly supported with their transitions into employment.

Co-chairs of the report are Nicola Richards MP (Con), Lord Jim Knight (Lab) and Dr Siobhan Neary (University of Derby and NICEC Fellow).

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