Students’ career difficulties and challenges for career practitioners in UK higher education
Summary of research findings, by NICEC Fellows Julia Yates and Wendy Hirsh at the seminar in March 2021
You can now access a summary of the early analysis of data from a study of the career decision-making difficulties of HE students seen through the eyes of career practitioners working with them in 1-1 interviews. The project collected data on 600 student conversations with 59 practitioners in 36 diverse UK HE institutions. The insights of practitioners were explored more deeply in follow-up interviews with 22 practitioners from 15 HE institutions.
This research was undertaken by Julia Yates, City, University of London and Wendy Hirsh, NICEC Fellow. If you have questions about the research or wish to be kept in touch with further materials coming out of this study, you are welcome to contact Julia Yates.